Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Best of 2007

I wish I had the time or the gumption* to think really hard and seriously consider which albums** were better for what reasons or what films are most important to the history of cinema. Alas, I'd rather just throw down some crazy list of superlatives based on the artists that held my attention most and the films I actually got to see. Besides, as someone recently pointed out, no one could possible listen to or watch everything. But I swear in '08 I'm gonna try.
records worth an honorable mention:
Jeremy Fisher - Blue Monday
The Everybodyfields - Nothing is Okay
Mexican Institute of Sound - PiƱata
Bishop Allen - The Broken String
Peter, Bjorn, and John - Writer's Block
The Weakerthans - Reunion Tour
Warm in the Wake - American Prehistoric
Sea Wolf - Leaves in the River
MIA - Kala

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