Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Star Bar Rules

Blatant Expressions of Narcissism

This was taken at the Star Bar on Saturday, I went to see Warm in the Wake (and of course Sarah and Dan) they are going on tour in August so we won't be seeing them in Atlanta for a while. If anyone is in Athens (GA) this weekend they are playing at the ATHFEST.
I loved the new stuff and of course the old songs are always great to hear. I'm in love with the song "Golden Inhibition Destroyer" and they played it TWICE! I'm so glad Sarah keeps me up to date on local shows so I can catch them when they are in town. It's always a great time and this week was a special treat because Jon P. Strohm (of the lemonheads) and The Preakness opened for Warm in the Wake.
Anyhow I saw this in the bathroom, thought it was pretty hilarious and needed to share it. I know it has nothing to do with the music but I enjoyed that someone blatantly missed the "Do Not Kick" part.

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