Friday, June 13, 2008

Swims with the Fishes

Rock Blog

Warm In The Wake

Warm In The Wake-The EARL (Thursday, May 1, 2008)

I haven't felt much like blogging like a blogger these days, and thus, I am behind on updating this here thing. So, here goes...

I've been meaning to see Warm In The Wake for a while now, and this opening slot for American Music Club was the perfect opportunity. WITW is the new band formed by Chris Rowell, formerly of Atlanta's King Lear Jet. They have a nifty little EP that came out early last year called Gold Dust Trail, and I have been lax in picking up their full-length, American Prehistoric.
Anyway, I knew they'd be good live, and they were. They projected weird and scary looking sea life behind them as they played, and that's some sort of jellyfish, or something, behind them in this photo.

Plus, some guy proposed to his girlfriend on stage (a friend of the band's), and she said yes, and it was lovely.

Moving on...

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